This month’s blog is focused on fatphobia in reality dating shows. I’ve been watching Season 2 of Love Is Blind on Netflix (don’t worry, there are no spoilers here!), where the premise of the show is to meet your match based on forming strong emotional connections, sight unseen. The participants talk to each other in “pods” through a frosted glass window, removing the distractions of physical appearances, sex appeal, etc.
The Curvy Blog » policing
Why Can’t I Find Outdoor Gear in Plus Sizes?!?
Aymie Rondeau
Posted on October 05 2021
If plus-sized folks want to enjoy outdoor activities like skiing, biking or hiking, you should be able to find suitable clothing and equipment to fit your body. So why can't we find outdoor activity clothing in our size?
What is Food Policing?
Aymie Rondeau
Posted on February 02 2021
What is Food Policing...and why it needs to stop!
Food policing is behaviour that labels food and eating as either good or bad, and gives food varying (and arbitrary) levels of moral value, often in the name of “health.” These labels could come from the internal messages in your head to outward comments from friends, family, colleagues or even strangers.
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